Phoenix Kazree Workshops

January 10, 2023
3 min read
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Nachdem wir sie eigentlich im April 2020 als Übernahme-Highlight zu uns holen wollten, ist es jetzt endlich so weit...

Wir freuen uns unglaublich darauf Phoenix Kazree mit ihren Workshops bei Munich Poledance hosten zu dürfen.

Phoenix Kazree's Workshop Schedule:

Samstag, 04. Februar 2023

  • 10:00-11:30 | Handspring Clinic (Int.+ | MPD ab L4)
  • 12:00-13:30 | Kazree Flow (all levels)
  • 14:00-15:30 | Tricks Clinic (PréInt./Int. | MPD ab L2+)

Sonntag, 05. Februar 2023

  • 10:00-11:30 | Welcome to Splitsville (Int./Adv. | MPD ab L3)
  • 12:00-13:30 | Spin Static / Spin Spin (UpperBeg./Int. | MPD ab L2)
  • 14:00-15:30 | Flexy Pole (Beg./Int. | MPD ab L1+)

Star-Workshop Preise:

75,00€ pro Workshop für MPD-Kund:innen
80,00€ pro Workshop für Externe Teilnehmer:innen

- 5€ Rabatt pro WS | bei Buchungen von 2 oder mehr Workshops

Buchung ausschließlich via EMail!

Schreibe uns eine EMail an, um Dich für die Workshops mit Phoenix Kazree anzumelden.

Bitte gib folgende Daten in der EMail an:

  • Wunschworkshop(s)
  • Vor- & Nachname
  • E-Mail
  • Handynummer
  • Anschrift
  • MPD-Kund:in oder Externe:r

Phoenix Kazree's Workshop-Menu:

  • Handspring Clinic / 90 min / Level: Intermediate+ (MPD ab L4)
    This workshop is all about Handsprings and Ayeshas. We will be working on technique, alignment, creative entrances and exits, various grips, shapes, and the mechanics behind using flexibility with these skills. Be prepared to put in serious work during 90 minutes of badassery with Phoenix Kazree during her Handspring/Ayesha Clinic. 
    REQUIREMENTS: Must have some previous experience with handsprings/ayeshas. 
  • Kazree Flow / 90 min / Level: all levels
    This workshop will take foundational moves, and turn them on their head through accents, flourishes, grip variations and other movement techniques.
    Being able to climb and invert is recommended.
  • Tricks Clinic / 90 min / Level: PréIntermediate/Intermediate (MPD ab L2+)
    Channel the pole acrobat in you. All tricks, no dancing. Break down, drill and improve tricks that you are struggling with. Learn the elements to execute the tricks on your "wanna learn" list. 
    Phoenix will bring along her favorite Tricks for upper Beginner/Intermediate as well!
  • Welcome to Splitsville / 90 min / Level: Intermediate/Advanced (MPD ab L3)
    This workshops starts with a vigorous warmup and stretch session to prepare you for pole splits, floor splits, and more splits. Included will be creative entrances and exits to classical split moves, as well as new and en vogue split skills.
    If you are not yet a 180 degree splitter, don't worry, there are modifications for you. You don't want to miss this opportunity to become a citizen of "Splitsville". 
  • Spin Static, Spin Spin / 90 min / Level: Upper Beginner/Intermediate (MPD ab L2)
    Learn beautiful grounded flow sequences, low-pole shapes and floorwork around the pole with variations for all levels. The emphasis is on the breath and dancing with the heart, rather than strict counts.
    REQUIREMENTS: Being able to do basic static spins is recommended.
  • Flexy Pole / 90 min / Level: Beginner/Intermediate (MPD ab L1+)
    This pole flexibility workshop was created specifically for the beginner-intermediate pole dancer. 
    No inverts yet? No problem. Not super flexy? No problem. 
    Phoenix Kazree has beautiful leg and back flexibility pole skills accessible to all levels. 
    NOTE: Please bring your strap and yoga blocks. We do have a few at the studio as well, but please come prepared.

Private Classes: Wenn Du Interesse daran hast eine Private oder Semi-Private mit Phoenix zu buchen, schreibe uns ebenfalls eine EMail, dann versuchen wir das für Dich zu organisieren.

Andere/Weitere Workshops: Du würdest gerne mit Phoenix tanzen, aber es ist nicht das Special dabei, nach dem Dir ist? Dann schreibe uns. Vielleicht können wir einen weiteren Workshop mit Phoenix organisieren, der Dich und andere Polerinas anspricht!

Wir behalten uns das Recht vor Stangen mit bis zu 2 Teilnehmer:innen zu belegen sowie einen zu wenig gebuchten Workshop durch ein anderes Format von Phoenix Kazree zu ersetzen.


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