Wir freuen uns unglaublich darauf Natasha Wang mit ihren Workshops bei Munich Poledance hosten zu dürfen.
Natasha Wang's Workshop Schedule:
Freitag, 11. November 2022
- 17:30-19:00 | Invert Clinic & Static Rotations (Beg.)
- 19:30-21:00 | Shapeshifting for Pole Creatures (Beg./Int.)
Samstag, 12. November 2022
- 10:30-12:00 | Handspring Clinic & Flips (Adv.)
- 12:30-14:00 | Polestands & Flow (Int./Adv)
- 14:30-16:00 | Pole Poetry (all levels)
Workshop Preise:
75,00€ pro Workshop für MPD-Kund:innen
80,00€ pro Workshop für Externe Teilnehmer:innen
- 5€ Rabatt pro WS | bei Buchungen von 2 oder mehr Workshops
Buchung ausschließlich via EMail!
Schreibe uns eine EMail an info@munich-poledance.de, um Dich für die Workshops mit Natasha Wang anzumelden.
Bitte gib folgende Daten in der EMail an:
- Wunschworkshop(s)
- Vor- & Nachname
- Handynummer
- Anschrift
- MPD-Kund:in oder Externe:r
Natasha Wang's Workshop-Menu:
Invert Clinic & Static Rotations / 90 min / Level: Beginner
Ideal for those who have never inverted, who invert with poor form or technique, or who want to level up their inverts. This workshop includes various progressions and drills, invert entries and exits, and invert variations. Furthermore, there will be a great selection of static rotations on the pole included in your class for a little distraction from inverting.
Shapeshifting for Pole Creatures / 90 min / Level: Beginner-Intermediate
This workshop will take foundational moves, and turn them on their head through accents, flourishes, grip variations and other movement techniques.
Being able to climb and invert is recommended.
Handspring Clinic & Flips / 90 min / Level: Advanced
This purely handspring workshop will cover the different handspring grips, leg and body positions, as well as fun entries and shape variations. We will also cover strength & conditioning drills that you can take into your own pole practice.
This workshop will also be covering a selected choice of flips to spicen up this class!
It is recommended that students be able to hold a handstand against awall for at least 30 seconds, and are comfortable with Extended Butterfly.
Polestands & Flow / 90 min / Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Learn how to dance from the floor onto the pole and back down again as we learn acrobatic pole flow sequences incorporating pole handstands (shoulder stands, forearm stands, & handstands), as well as rolls, spins, sweeps and jumps.
Pole Poetry / 90 min / Level: All Levels
Learn beautiful grounded flow sequences, low-pole shapes and floorwork around the pole with variations for all levels. The emphasis is on the breath and dancing with the heart, rather than strict counts.
Being able to do basic static spins is recommended.
Private Classes: Wenn Du Interesse daran hast eine Private oder Semi-Private mit Natasha zu buchen, schreibe uns ebenfalls eine EMail, dann versuchen wir das für Dich zu organisieren.
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